

I have (finally) started a YouTube channel for uploading and sharing my compositions. Most - if not all - will have a link in the description where you can download or purchase a PDF of the music score. Do have a look.

Host Your Own Multi-User Password Manager with KeeWeb and WebDAV

Host Your Own Multi-User Password Manager with KeeWeb and WebDAV

For years I used KeePass to manage my ever-growing number of passwords. It works brilliantly, especially for a single user. Just stick the database on Dropbox, Google Drive, or use Syncthing, and voila, you can access your password database everywhere. Toss in something like Keepass2Android, and you have mobile access as well, all for free. This [...] Read more

Counterpoint (by J. Frederick Bridge) - New Digital Edition Now Available

Counterpoint (by J. Frederick Bridge) - New Digital Edition Now Available

Back in 1878, the organist (and composer, and professor) Sir John Frederick Bridge completed a musical primer that he simply called Counterpoint, an educational work focusing on species counterpoint. I discovered this book during the summer of 2017 on while looking for free, public-domain materials to use in my own Counterpoint class. [...] Read more

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