So It Begins...

And so begins (hopefully) my last semester taking classes at KU. Don’t get me wrong, I still have lots left to do, such as theory projects, a recital, comps, orals, and a dissertation, but this should be my last semester of coursework. Considering that this is my 2nd semester exclusively in the doctoral program, that’s not bad. My previous year was an overlap from the Master’s degree.

It’s going to be a very busy semester. I’m taking a maximum amount of permitted credits, plus auditing another class, plus teaching Music Theory II. I’ll do my best to keep my class afloat. :-)

Anyway, here’s a composition update: I’m hard at work on a commission from the Helianthus Ensemble (formerly known as the KU New Music Ensemble). The commission is due on February 1st, but I hope to be done with it long before then. The current title is “Faravahar.”

After this, I have to complete a commission for the KU Men’s Glee Club. It’s a set of variations on the “L’homme Arme” tune, which should be fun.

Over the break I fixed all the known “bugs” in “Symphony No. I – Persepolis.” I also re-engraved a percussion ensemble piece called “Oh Too.” It’s the piece that essentially led me to KU. Our percussion ensemble at VSU performed it at KU for a regional College Music Society meeting, and after that trip I applied here. The rest is history, I guess.

Here’s a random tidbit for you: if you google search for “composer, ancient greece,” I’m currently the fourth listing. A few days ago it was the second listing, and it will be interesting if this entry alters the results for better or worse. So if you’re looking for an ancient Greek composer, I guess I’m your guy!

Originally posted on 18 January 2007

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