First Job Invitation

I’m flattered. Today I received my first “invitation” to apply for a significant job. Upon checking my KU mailbox I discovered a letter bearing the seal of prestigious college. I ripped it open and discovered to my delight that it was a letter inviting me to apply for a tenure-track position as “Professor of Composition” at a small, private, prestigious, liberal-arts college in Minnesota.

I won’t name the college, but I’ve been on its campus, and loved it! The letter stated that my name was referred to them by someone at a recent College Music Society meeting. I have my suspicions, but I won’t name any names in this category either.

If only I was at the point to consider this job! The position requires a doctoral degree, or an “exceptional ABD (All But Dissertation) candidate.” Considering that I still have a few credits of classes remaining, I do not qualify. Rats!

I’m delighted to receive an invitation like this, but I must instead say, “Thank you for the invitation. Please keep me in mind for the future.” If I qualified I’d send in the required materials tomorrow!

On second thought, Minnesota winters are quite brutal. Hmmm….

Originally posted on 30 October 2006

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